I did six sessions and had heaps of fun. But best of all, I think I convinced most of the kids that poetry can be fun.

Feedback and corrections most welcome!
The presentations include:
- introduction to a range of different poets, from Andy Griffiths to Banjo Patterson
- viewing poetry from different media
- interactive links to web site activities and YouTube
- class group and individual activities
- Poems that Make Us Laugh - with Andy Griffiths, limericks and fractured nursery rhymes
- Poems that Make a Noise - with Michael Rosen, literacy devices such as rhyme, rhythm, refrain, alliteration, onamatapoeia
- Poems that Paint a Picture - with Dorathea McKellar, language and literary devices such as imagery, simile, metaphor and personification
- Poems that Tell a Story - with Banjo Patterson and Alfred Noyes, writing and editing a story using techniques learned to date
- Poems that Make a Shape - with Basho the samurai haiku poet, haiku, concrete poems, conquain
- Poems that Make No Sense - with Edward Lear and Lewis Carroll
References to example poems have been provided where copyright excludes their reproduction.
Sandy, this is such a great idea. You must've been a teacher in a past life. :-) I bet the kids LOVED it. Did they have a favourite sort of poem?
I wanted to show the kids that poetry could be interactive not just words on a page. I think I did that.
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