I sent out an SOS to my writing colleagues. And I have to do a thank you speech here because I am truly indebted to these friends for their advice, notes and shared exercises. Drum roll. Red Carpet. Janeen Brian, Sally Murphy, Sheryl Gwyther, Dee White, Claire Saxby, Lorraine Marwood, Julie Nickerson, Katherine Apel and Sally Odgers. What a name dropper I am.

But back to the workshops. Two out of three are complete with the follow up/evaluation still to come. They were wonderful fun. They didn't go perfectly - the video conferencing was a new experience all round - but the end result was absolutely golden. The kids enthusiastically produced heaps of writing. OK. Not all of them. There was one child who I suspect was waiting for a real author to show up. It's not quite as magical when it's mum even if you are really proud of her! Here are some sample efforts - ebooks created based on the workshop sessions.
You can visit the project at Thirroul Public School's blog.
Yes, we were treading new ground but Sandy had the students intrigued and engaged from the start. When you have kids wanting to work through their lunchtime because they hadn't finished writing then you know something's working!
So for any other teachers and teacher librarians - consider your own 'writer in residence' program....this is how I see our workshops. I know the students at Waniora probably claim Sandy as their own, but now the kids from Thirroul do as well! Sandy has also given us strategies, as teachers which we will continue to use in the classroom. A fantastic experience!
Mrs Mac
Teacher Librarian, Thirroul PS
It is a very nice and good post. Keep up the good work.
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