Part way through the article I found the paragraph that rocked me - and I plagiarise *grin*: "His process of composition has never changed. He draws a series of boxes, like a brainstorming diagram on a whiteboard, and puts a musical idea in each. Then, as he puts it, 'I connect up the boxes'." Fireworks and lightbulbs exploded in my brain. I was so excited. This is how I write! Exactly how I write! I have long struggled against my inability to plot. I feel like I should. I feel like it would improve my writing and I try hard to do it. But I can't. i work like Peter. I write out the chapter headings. And I put an idea in each box. Then I link them up. One thing I have learned though is to blend the linking by using big blurry lines so that my story does not feel episodic in nature.
Intrinsically I have always known there is a strong relationship between writing words and writing music. But sometimes I have to be hit over the head with it too. And that reminds me of another time it happened. For my twelfth birthday I asked for The Complete Works of Shakespeare. I still have those beautiful red volumes. It wasn't that I was particularly smart (although the kids say I am a bit nerdy but that's OK as it's sort of cool at the moment) - in fact I didn't really understand the Shakespeare much. I just loved the sound the words made when I read them aloud. And when the words made snippets of images I could understand, the sound was glorious. I struggled to explain this to others until last year my husband and I were listening to a shared favourite song of many years. "I love those lyrics," I said. "Oh, what's it about?" he asked. "I never listen to the words." Right then I was reminded of how words are sometimes beautiful music first and meaning second.
One last snippet of wisdom from Peter. He was speaking about how he didn't mind bad reviews and quoted his favourite which was about one of his piano concertos: 'It would be best played at night, at a piano bar ... preferably after all the people have left.' I couldn't help but imagine the equivalent book review: 'It would be best read in bed at night, in the dark, preferably after you have gone to sleep.'
Now I am going to seek out some of Peter's music.
I found it very interesting to hear that you don't 'plot' your books, but link up the ideas instead. Partly because your books seem quite tightly plotted (in that things that happen lead sensibly to other things that happen and resonate with the finish and the events parallel the character development and all that kind of good stuff). But partly because it's such a dashed interesting way to procrastinate by hearing how other people's brains and writing muscles work. So thank you.
*smile* I'm a big fan of procrastination too. And of your blog. I would love to send the Noodle some Samurai Kids stickers and stuff if you would like to email me with an address(via the Samurai Kids website would be good)
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