She nudges me and hisses
That's for stealing my boyfriend.
Does Prudence have boyfriend?
And how could I steal him when I don't know who he is?
And would he let himself be stolen?
Now I am going to break the Teaser Tuesday rules. This was such an engrossing story I read it in one sitting. So I already know that to do it justice requires more than the above extract. While the book is a thoughtful glimpse into the life of Pearl - her problems with school, friends, the teacher and poetry - it is also much more than that. It is the heart stirring story of a young person coping with grief and loss. So if I just turn one page:
Where is the book
About a girl
Whose poems don't rhyme
And whose Granny is fading?
Pearl, says Mrs Rose
The bell has gone.
I go back to class
Beautiful cover, beautiful words. A beautiful book.
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