Thursday, April 16, 2009


Catch-22 is one of my favourite books. I studied it in high school and now as an adult it has Immovable Object status in my bookcase. Remember Captain Black's Loyalty Oath Crusade? I have my own Glorious Keep Kids Reading Crusade and I am willing to go to the same ridiculous lengths as Captain Black.

In honour of my latest GKKR Crusade weapon, Nit Boy, I am looking for more great books on bugs. Here are my Top 5, excluding Nit Boy:

1 The Very Hungry Caterpillar - Eric Carle
2 Charlotte's Web - E B White
3 The Very Ordinary Caterpillar - Garry Fleming
4 Grasshopper on the Road - Arnold Lobel
5 It's True There are Bugs in Your Bed - Heather Catchpole & Vanessa Woods

Can anyone suggest more?


Anonymous said...


Thanks for your great blog! And hello from Reading Is Fundamental. Just started following you on Twitter too.

RIF has great free children's website, and Leading to Reading is aimed at those with babies, toddlers, and preschoolers in their lives. There is a great book and activity search feature. Quite a few results when I looked up "insects" -

Also going on now is the Read with Kids Challenge through June 30. An effort to collectively log 5 million minutes read. Check out our honorary team captains, which include Eric Carle. Go to or see the press release:


Sandy Fussell said...

Thanks Layla. I checked out the RIF website. What a great resource. I'll be back. And have returned your follow. I think I'll learn somehting...

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