Saturday, April 18, 2009

OZ LIT PROFILE #6 - Bill Condon

Bill Condon is a friend of mine - but his books were my friends long before we ever met. Bill is one of the few YA authors I've read who have the unique ability to blend serious and in-depth YA issues with belly-laugh humour. He's a master at it. His books will make you laugh and cry - does it get any better than that?

I'm not ashamed to admit - I wish I could write like Bill Condon!

1 The last children's/YA book you read (fiction or non-fiction) The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian by Sherman Alexie. (Great book.)

2 If it wasn't an Oz title, then the last Oz title Boofheads by Mo Johnson, and Crossing the Line by Dianne Bates. (Read them simultaneously – almost combusted! Great books.)

3 Name one favourite book from your childhood The 1965 Nude Photographic Annual.

4 Name one picture book that you love for the illustrations See above.

5 What is your personal favourite among the books you have authored/illustrated No Worries.

6 What book do you wish you had written - for love or money The Road, by Cormack McCarthy.

7 If you could be a character in a book, who (or what) would you be Maybe Forrest Gump – for the chocolates.

8 Do you have a favourite quote - from a book or life in general! Anything. ‘Nothing happens – you make it happen’.

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